WAZUH Installation
This installation is for testing purpose.
So we gonna download the OVA file for Virtualbox
Visit on wazuh.com
Click on documentation then click on the installation guide
Choose the version which is given on the right side in the corner
Now click Virtual machine
Or you can simply visit this link given below
Install the ova file in a virtual box.
Then it will ask for user and password
The default user is: root And Password: wazuh
#ip address
Open the browser and paste the IP
You will see the dashboard of your wazuh web
Now we gonna add an agent in wazuh manager on Windows Machine
Download wazuh agent on windows
Run wazuh agent
Put your wazuh agent IP in Manager IP
And for authentication key, you need to connect the machine through ssh
Go to manage directory /var/ossec/bin/manage_agents
Cheese (A) for adding an agent
Put your machine name
Then it will ask for your IP address
After filling in all your system info
You can extract your authentication key
Then copy the key and paste it into wazuh agent manager in windows machine
Then go to your Wazuh Web page